Over 320 million people around the world, in over 1500 cities and towns in 51 countries, have joined The World Health Organization’s global network of Age-Friendly communities…

Now It's Your Turn!

Find out how your community can become age-friendly.

2020 aging data.

The 2020 Rhode Island Healthy Aging Data Report

The 2020 Rhode Island Healthy Aging Data Report is designed to help residents, agencies, providers and governments understand the older adults who live in their cities and towns – their ages, living arrangements, health status, strengths and vulnerabilities.

2020 aging data.
2023 pocket manual.

2023 POCKET MANUAL: The Rhode Island Guide to Services for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

Questions about what resources are available for Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities? OHA developed a handy guide to help navigate the abundance of community-based services and programs in the state
2023 pocket manual.
photo grid of 6 images of active older adults.

About Us

Based at Rhode Island College, Age-Friendly RI is a coalition of community and state agencies, healthcare and social service providers, individuals of all ages, advocacy and faith-based organizations, businesses, academic institutions and municipal leaders who are committed to healthy aging.

More About Us

photo grid of 6 images of active older adults.


2 days ago

Age Friendly RI
On this episode of IHI’s Turn on the Lights podcast, Terry Fulmer, President of the John A. Hartford Foundation, and Faith Mitchell, an Urban Institute fellow, discuss the development of Age-Friendly Health Systems and how to ensure that older adults receive high-quality, evidence-based care.Hosted by Don Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP, and Kedar Mate, MD, Founder and CMO of Qualified Health, and Former President and CEO of Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Turn on the Lights is a podcast that aims to improve healthcare worldwide by shedding light on healthcare issues through thought-... ... See MoreSee Less
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Working Past 50: A Health Boost?

New research from the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging challenges conventional wisdom about working later in life, suggesting that continuing to work may offer significant benefits for many older adults. The findings reveal that two-thirds of adults over 50 report that employment enhances both their physical and…

Thank You To Our Funder

Point32Health Foundation builds on a tradition of service and giving at Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Tufts Health Plan. Their heritage organizations together have invested more than $200 million to support community organizations in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Point32Health Foundation funds equity-focused solutions related to healthy aging, access to healthy food, and behavioral health. They seek to collaborate with and learn from nonprofit organizations, understanding that those most affected by inequities are in the best position to define the problem, design appropriate solutions, and define success.