— Become Age-Friendly Toolkit —

1. What Is An Age-Friendly Community?

Communities that promote the health, participation and security of older adults are described as “age-friendly.” Efforts to improve age-friendliness have been underway around the world thanks to global agencies like The World Health Organization and state- based agents for change such as Age-Friendly Rhode Island. These groups work to enhance the lives of older citizens through partnerships between public service agencies, advocacy groups, businesses and educational, faith-based, and cultural organizations. We are transforming Rhode Island into a more age-friendly place in which to thrive by utilizing the WHO framework.

Learn more about what it means to be an Age-Friendly community from:

Age Friendly Communities Focus on Nine Key areas

These are the nine domains or key areas of concern identified as being the most vital to older adults in Rhode Island that should be incorporated in to an Age-Friendly initiative:

  • Communication and Information — offering comprehensive information so that older adults can learn about crucial support services
  • Transportation — providing both private and public modes that are affordable to keep seniors mobile
  • Community and Civic Engagement — social participation, volunteering and employment are some of the ways seniors remain connected to and contributing to the community
  • Food Security and Nutrition — assuring access to food that meets nutritional needs and food preferences
  • Economic Security — to maintain basic living standards and ensure financial well-being in meeting expenses for housing, food, healthcare and personal needs
  • Healthcare Access — ensure quality medical care, including preventative, rehabilitative, behavioral, palliative and hospice care
  • Outdoor Spaces & Public Buildings — safe streets, accessible buildings and green spaces for physical exercise and recreation
  • Housing — a wide range of affordable options to meet seniors’ needs and preferences to allow them to safely age in the community
  • Supports to Remain at Home — fostering aging in place by adapting homes to accommodate changes that occur with aging, and provide affordable support services