AFRI in the news

Jim Connell, Age-Friendly Rhode Island executive director.
Older and disabled residents in Newport’s North End to Get the Gift of Mobility Thanks to New $70K Federal Pilot Program
AFRI is partnering with the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) and Looking Upwards, a Middletown-based vehicle-sharing program to provide new van service to older and disabled residents, equipping them with new mobility options and connections.
Volunteering: Your Single New Years Resolution – Herb Weiss
Being a volunteer can also be a protective buffer from the curve balls that life may throw at us as we age. “Volunteering can be medicine for the soul. It allows you to connect with other people, explore and remedy emerging community issues, make a difference as a caregiver or mentor and change lives. Volunteering is powerful and can define and redirect your life’s journey,” says Vincent Marzullo, who for 31 years served as RI’s National Service Director and still volunteers weekly at Hasbro Children’s Hospital.
Adds, James Connell, Executive Director, of Age-Friendly Rhode Island: “There’s no better way to reduce tension, combat social isolation, and feel tremendous self-satisfaction than by connecting with others and giving back to the community and your neighbors by volunteering.”
Connell says Rhode Islanders as a population are aging, nearly one in three of us will become age 65 and over by the end of the decade. “Volunteers and volunteerism will be key factors in creating a great state in which to age. Older adults want to stay active, engaged, and remain in their homes; as a volunteer or by being the recipient of volunteers services we can achieve this and so much more,” he says.
“Aging Rhode Islanders need you,” says Connell. “Volunteer to provide supports to stay at home, to connect and provide company to combat social isolation, and to positively impact their overall health and well-being trough connection and service,” he adds.
Profit from age-blind hiring
Want a competitive advantage? Recruit and retain a multigenerational workforce! Bring together individuals of all ages and backgrounds, respect the breadth of experience and knowledge each generation and employee offers and encourage engagement, collaboration and a learning environment.