Age-Friendly RI: Power Up 2019!
Thursday June 20 • 8am - 12pm
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick RI
POWER UP 2019!
Thursday June 20 • 8am - 12pm
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick RI
Thank you for joining us!

Join us as we explore age-friendly innovation in action:
Learn from thought-leaders who inspire creative thinking and foster collaborative impact. Let's expand our ideas about what is possible for an Age-Friendly Rhode Island.
Registration Required:
No charge to attend, but tickets required as space is limited. (Light breakfast included.)
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick RI
Program Information:
Panel Presentations during the event will showcase local Age-Friendly initiatives from inside RI and beyond.
- Keynote from Anti-ageism activist Ashton Appelwhite, author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism
- Presentations will showcase local and regional Age-Friendly initiatives
- Local leaders will discuss a variety of models for approaching age-friendliness in Rhode Island and offer ideas you can use in your city or town.
Check back often for new program details. See more below.
Is this Event For You?
Join the many stakeholders who have been involved with the work of Age-Friendly RI since it’s inception and those newly interested in learning how to build age-friendly communities: municipal leaders, service providers, faith based leaders, advocates, business and non-profit leaders, members of the academic community and more.
Keynote Speaker: Ashton Applewhite
"Applewhite reveals the untapped possibilities of late life — in our communities, at work, and in ourselves."
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How will Rhode Island respond in new and innovative ways to our State’s changing demographics?

We know that Rhode Islanders are living longer than ever.
By 2030 almost 1 in 4 Rhode Islanders will be 65+.
These demographic trends present a unique opportunity to tap into Rhode Island's ingenuity, creativity and sense of community to develop innovative solutions to the evolving needs in our State.
Join us as we explore age-friendly innovation in action and learn from thought-leaders who inspire creative thinking, foster collaborative impact and expand our ideas about what is possible for an Age-Friendly Rhode Island.
What to Expect at Power Up 2019
Check back often for new program details as they are confirmed.
KEYNOTE: Ashton Applewhite
Ashton Applewhite is a leading voice in an emerging movement dedicated to dismantling ageism and making age a criterion for diversity. The author of This Chair Rocks and a TED2017 mainstage speaker, she reveals the untapped possibilities of late life — in our communities, at work, and in ourselves.
PRESENTATION: Emily Shea, Commissioner Age Strong Commission
Emily K. Shea serves as the Commissioner of the Age Strong Commission, formerly the Commission on Affairs of the Elderly. The Commission serves as Boston’s Area Agency on Aging and Boston’s Council on Aging and sets the City’s direction for successful aging in Boston. Emily will offer insights into how Boston is adapting to a growing senior population and how her team is always working to create opportunities to keep seniors engaged in their communities.
PRESENTATION: Rose Amoros Jones, Director of the Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs (DEA)
Rose Amoros Jones was appointed Director of the Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs (DEA) in February 2019 by Governor Gina M. Raimondo. Previously, she led the Division of Policy and Public Affairs for the state’s Executive Office of Health & Human Services, where she helped shaped the Governor’s policy agenda for older Rhode Islanders and those with disabilities. Director Jones will provide an update on the State’s 2020-2024 Plan on Aging.
PANEL DISCUSSION: Jumpstarting Age-Friendliness in Your City or Town
Wondering how to launch an age-friendly initiative in your city or town? Moderated by James Fuccione, Senior Director of the MA Healthy Aging Collaborative, this panel will explore a variety of models that communities in Rhode Island are using to help build age-friendliness at the local level. You’ll learn from civic and municipal leaders in Barrington, Newport, Burrillville and other communities about programs and strategies that you can adapt or adopt where you live.
Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee
Dan McKee was sworn in as our state’s 69th Lt. Governor in January 2015. As a private citizen, small business owner and elected official, he has spent his life advocating for positive change in Rhode Island. He served 12 years as mayor of Cumberland, where he is best known for his visionary work in education and as a champion for the Rhode Island family. Now in his second term as Lt. Governor, Dan is working on initiatives to create an age-friendly state, improve our small business climate, hold utility companies accountable, end the opioid epidemic and support Rhode Islanders in the fight against Alzheimer’s. As Lt. Governor, Dan also serves as Chair of Rhode Island’s Long Term Care Coordinating Council and head of the Executive Board on Alzheimer’s. Read More
Frank Sánchez
Frank D. Sánchez became the tenth president of Rhode Island College – the state’s first public college – in July 2016. Dr. Sánchez oversees the college with an annual operating budget that exceeds $190 million and supports approximately 12,000 students on campus and across the state.
A native of Cheyenne, Wyoming, Dr. Sánchez holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration with a concentration in Learning, Cognition and Instruction from Indiana University-Bloomington, and an M.S. in Student Affairs and Higher Education from Colorado State University. He also holds a B.S. in Psychology with minors in Communications and Ethnic Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Read More
Nora Morena Cargie
Nora Moreno Cargie is vice president of corporate citizenship for Tufts Health Plan and president of its Foundation. In her role as president of the Foundation, Ms. Moreno Cargie leads the Foundation’s work in healthy living with an emphasis on older adults. As vice president of corporate citizenship, Ms. Moreno Cargie works with leadership to leverage the health plan’s business practices, products, services and community engagement strategies, including corporate sponsorships and employee volunteerism, to make our communities stronger. Read More