Join the RI Complete Count Committee for a Virtual Rally to Kick-Off the 2020 Census
It is vital that everyone in Rhode Island be counted. Results from the census will help determine the amount of federal funding Rhode Island gets for schools, roads, housing, SNAP, park improvements, and more for the next ten years. In fact, Rhode Island receives $3.8 billion (yes, with a “B”) each year to support these critical public resources that benefit all of us. Seats in the US House of Representatives are also determined by the census count, and Rhode Island is at risk of losing one of our two seats if we don’t ensure a complete and accurate count. The census also helps to ensure fair representation at the state and local levels and provides important demographic data that community leaders use to enforce civil rights and plan for RI’s future.
So, be counted: it is fast and easy. There are no questions about immigration status. Do your part to ensure the future of every local community in Rhode Island. Our communities are coming together to support one another during the COVID-19 health crisis. It is critical that participation in the census is a part of this effort.
Join the Honorable Council President Sabina Matos and the Honorable Members of the Providence City Council, the Honorable Mayor Jorge Elorza, the Honorable Mayor James Diossa and the RI Complete Count Committee for a Virtual Rally to Kick-Off the 2020 Census. The event starts with a few speakers, then a demonstration, and then they will open it up for a broader discussion and rally! You can ask questions in the chat window in realtime to be answered. You can join the rally on Wednesday, April 1 at noon by clicking this link: Virtual 2020 Census Kick-Off Rally or by calling-in at: 1-646-558-8656 then enter the Meeting ID: 787 150 962 followed by the # sign – And you’re ready to Zoom!
New to Zoom? Here’s the skinny
Who’s ready to Zoom? If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, it is a virtual conferencing platform. It’s free to use on your computer, your smartphone, tablet device, or you can even just call in (although it’s more fun to be on video – you can choose fun backgrounds). You can access Zoom on the internet to create a free account: or you can download it for free from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or the Amazon App Store for your smartphone or tablet device.

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