R.I. Food Policy Council named state lead in New England Report
The New England State Food System Planners Partnership released a report last month noting the overreliance on food exports by New England and called for a more regionalized approach to food production and consumption. The report explores what it would take to supply 30 percent of the region’s food by 2030. Several state leads were named, including the Rhode Island Food Policy Council and five other state-level organizations. Learn what role residents have in shaping the region’s food system and making it more self-reliant by reading the full report here.

What will it really take to grow, raise, produce, harvest, and catch more regional food and move it through a complex supply chain to our homes and other places we eat? What do we need to do in the near term, by 2030, to make tangible progress towards this bold vision? How might the increasing and escalating impacts of climate change impact our ability to feed ourselves? What can we do as a region to make our food system more equitable and fair, resilient and reliable?