SACRI Welcomes New Leadership as Annual Aging Conference Approaches

The Senior Agenda Coalition of Rhode Island (SACRI) has appointed Carol Anne Costa as its new Executive Director, bringing a fresh perspective to an organization that advocates for the state’s older adults. Costa steps into this role with a diverse background, having worked across state government and non-profits, including roles in the Raimondo administration and the Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General. Her deep experience and passion for community engagement make her a strong fit to lead SACRI as it gears up for its 16th Annual Conference and Expo.

Costa’s first major task as Executive Director is preparing SACRI’s upcoming conference, titled “A Bridge to a Secure Future.” Scheduled for October 9, 2024, at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, the event is set to bring together aging advocates, policy experts, and state leaders to discuss key issues impacting Rhode Islanders—particularly economic security, healthcare, and housing for older adults and people with disabilities.

Costa’s vision for the conference is clear: she wants to ensure that it becomes a hub for meaningful dialogue between policymakers and the people they serve. With speakers like U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, U.S. Congressman Seth Magaziner, and Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Neronha, the event is shaping up to be a significant platform for addressing the challenges and opportunities related to aging in Rhode Island.

If you’re interested in being part of this crucial conversation, registration for the conference is open. The cost is $25 for SACRI members and $35 for non-members, with exhibitor tables available for $350. Register for the 2024 Conference and Expo here and be a part of building a more secure future for older adults in Rhode Island. For additional information on SACRI’s initiatives, visit their website.

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