Scituate Senior Center at Chopmist Hill Inn
Guest Post by Dina Elhelw, Director Scituate Senior Center at Chopmist Hill Inn —

Exterior of the Scituate Senior Center at Chopmist Hill Inn
Picture an early morning, sitting on the patio in a rocker with a friend. You realize that your friend looks far different from the person that you have known all of your life. You look over and glance to see a face that you have watched age over the last 30, 40 even 50 years. A friend that does not require conversation at this single moment because that friend has been by your side through the course of life. A friend who knows every detail of who you were and how you aged into who you are today. Feel the cool breeze blowing with the sound of birds chirping. Sipping on tea perhaps, and a freshly made morning pastry.
Greetings, my name is Dina Elhelw. I have recently been given the honor of directing the Center at Chopmist Hill Inn. If I were to describe the setting at the Inn that I look to attain by the summer’s end- it is simply that. A place to call home. A place to feel welcomed, loved and put at ease when walking through the doors. Familiar faces, a feeling of warmth and the scent of goods freshly baked by our amazing kitchen manager Cheryl are what I aspire to reach for at the Inn. A detailed schedule of daily, weekly and monthly events meticulously detailed by our irreplaceable volunteer, Donna.
As the director, I strive to inspire the staff and volunteers that work hard at setting the tone of the Inn for our valued dear members. From the moment the members are picked up for the day they are greeted by both Gary and Kenny our wonderful, friendly and humorous drivers. Each ride is carefully routed to allow for the most opportune ride- those who enjoy a scenic route around our sprawling country side are offered an earlier pick up while the others who wish to directly head to the Inn are offered a later pick up time. Smiles as the members each step off the bus and walk into the Inn is always a testament to the time spent on the bus with those drivers.
With this team and others who I haven’t mentioned we are planning for a wonderful, safe and inspirational summer. Barbeques, Picnics on the grounds of the Inn, Outdoor Movies Nights on the lawn, Children’s events, Paint nights, Wellness Fairs, A Salute to Veterans, Gardening at the Inn, and of course the long awaited Ribbon Cutting Ceremony!
We also have plans to head off the grounds of the Inn. Multiple trips to near by restaurants, casinos and theaters are just a few minor trips to look forward to this summer. A major trip is in the works…Cruising to Bermuda!
A personal undertaking of mine is to collaborate with the many departments, clubs/organizations and residents of the town to join forces and serve all ages of the town. Intergenerational events will be a key component of our work. Please come by and see what’s happening at the Inn…we welcome your visit!
To find the Senior Center near you or your loved one, please follow this LINK to our new Senior Center locator