The Premiere of “Optics of Aging”: Challenging Ageism Through the Stories of Rhode Island’s Older Adults

On October 15, 2024, the Providence Public Library will host the premiere of Optics of Aging, a new documentary by filmmaker Michelle Le Brun. This 55-minute film focuses on the lives of five older adults in Rhode Island, highlighting their contributions to the state and exploring the complex realities of aging. The film, which took three years to complete, is supported by The Rhode Island Foundation, The Robertson Foundation, the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, and the Providence Public Library.

The film profiles five individuals whose lives and work have had a lasting impact on Rhode Island. By focusing on their personal stories, Le Brun aims to challenge the negative assumptions about aging and offer a more nuanced perspective on what it means to grow older. These individuals, ranging in age from their 70s to their 90s, offer a diverse set of perspectives on aging. Their stories illustrate that aging is not a uniform experience but is instead shaped by personal history, social context, and individual resilience. Through their narratives, Optics of Aging challenges the monolithic view of old age and highlights the ongoing contributions of older adults to society.


The Prevalence of Ageism

Ageism, the stereotyping and discrimination against individuals based on their age, is a widespread issue with significant consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ageism affects one in two people globally, making it a pervasive form of prejudice. In the United States, nearly 80% of older workers report having experienced age discrimination in the workplace, according to AARP. The impact of ageism extends beyond employment; it influences healthcare, social interactions, and self-perception, often leading to poorer health outcomes, social isolation, and reduced quality of life for older adults.

Despite its prevalence, ageism is often underrecognized and underaddressed. In many cases, it is so ingrained in societal norms that it goes unchallenged, contributing to a culture where aging is viewed negatively. The media plays a role in reinforcing these stereotypes, frequently depicting older adults as frail, dependent, or out of touch. This portrayal can contribute to internalized ageism, where older individuals begin to adopt these negative perceptions, further limiting their opportunities and well-being.

This documentary underscores the need to challenge ageism and to recognize the valuable contributions of older adults to our communities. By doing so, we can help to create a society that respects and supports individuals at every stage of life.

Join the Conversation

The premiere of Optics of Aging on October 15 is an opportunity to engage with these themes and to reflect on the impact of ageism in our society. The event will include a discussion where attendees can explore the film’s messages and consider how they can contribute to creating a more inclusive environment for older adults.

To attend the premiere and participate in this important conversation, visit the Providence Public Library’s event page here. For updates on future screenings and to learn more about the film, visit the Optics of Aging website.