Tufts Health Plan Foundation Awards Mini-Grants to 10 RI Based Projects, Building on Local Momentum for Age-Friendly Work in the State

Forty community-based organizations will receive a Momentum Fund mini-grant of up to $10,000 from Tufts Health Plan Foundation. Now in its second year, the fund was established to foster promising ideas and support cities and towns in their efforts to make their communities better places to grow up and grow old. The Momentum Fund is…

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JCHS Highlights The Growing Problem of Older Adult Homelessness

In a recent report, the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University explains that housing inequality is becoming increasingly evident among older Americans as the number of older households climbs to unprecedented levels. In their Housing America’s Older Adults 2019,published earlier this year, JCHS found that although the number of people experiencing unsheltered…

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Age Friendly News From Around RI & Nation

AFRI regularly culls news articles and pertinent postings that highlight national, state and local efforts to support age friendly communities. Check out a few of the news clippings shared below to stay apprised of the movement in Rhode Island and lessons learned from recent research in this space:   Office of Healthy Aging offers free…

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Please RSVP: RI Elder Info’s First Annual Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser!

RI Elder Info is a 501c3 nonprofit behind RIElderInfo.com, a comprehensive, expert-curated, multilingual resource for Rhode Island Seniors, Caregivers and Professionals. RI Elder Info aims to empower people throughout the aging journey by providing easy one-stop access to a comprehensive suite of information and resources. The core value driving this work is the belief that…

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Older adults learning technology in URI based intergenerational program

Older adults are adapting to technology at a slower rate compared to the overall population. To help older adults learn how to use technology, programs such as the University of Rhode Island (URI)’s Engaging Generations (E-GEN): Cyber Seniors® Program are providing support. A recent study from URI’s E-GEN program, published in the journal Gerontechnology, described…

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AFRI Calendar: View & Submit Events

To stay apprised of Age-Friendly events and programming happening throughout the state check out the calendar tab on the AFRI website. Submit an Event:  Promote your event and help build a comprehensive calendar of age-friendly events in Rhode Island! We have added functionality that allow community partners to easily submit their own events through a…

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The Rhode Island Chapter of OLOC invites Lesbians 60 years of age or older to join us for a Welcome & Gathering

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC) is a national network of Old Lesbians in their 60th year or older working to confront ageism in our communities and our country. They use education and public discourse as primary tools to support: comprehensive immigration reform elimination of violence against women enactment of universal single-payer healthcare for all…

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Please RSVP: OHA All Partner Meetup

Join the Office of Healthy Aging  for their first All Partner Meetup! This networking event serves as an opportunity to promote collaboration and shine a spotlight on the work we do together to serve Rhode Islanders. Please RSVP dircetly with Elise Swearingen via email at elise.swearingen@oha.ri.gov by November 6th (Wednesday). The logistics Where? North Providence…

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