Rhode Island Celebrates Older Americans Month 2020

In a press release today, the RI Office of Healthy Aging encourages us to embrace the theme, “Make Your Mark,” as a way to connect during physical distancing
Across Rhode Island, older adults make their marks every day as volunteers, employees, employers, parents, grandparents, mentors, and advocates. They offer their time, talents, and experience to the benefit of our communities. For 57 years, Rhode Island has joined with other states to celebrate Older Americans Month and acknowledge the ongoing contributions of older Rhode Islanders to our state’s rich social and cultural tapestry.
“Older Americans Month is always a special time, but this year, it takes on a heightened significance,” said Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging Director Rosamaria Amoros Jones. “As our global community grapples with the COVID-19 crisis, people are coming together to protect and serve their neighbors and make their mark in extraordinary ways. From practicing physical distancing to sharing their experiences to making phone calls and delivering food and supplies to those in need, older Rhode Islanders are stepping up and stepping forward daily to help guide our community through this unprecedented time. Their contributions continue to be a beacon of hope for us all.”
Below are a few ways Rhode Islanders can make their mark this month – and all year long:
Volunteer your time
Local organizations such as shelters, food kitchens, and hospitals always need support – and you can safely help from home by making masks, donating food and other needed supplies. Help a neighbor by prepping a meal, picking up groceries, or giving them a ride. Or, take time to pass on your knowledge. Why not virtually tutor a student who is distance learning and could use extra help in math, music, or science? To learn about volunteer opportunities, call the Point, Rhode Island’s healthy aging help desk at 401-462-4444.
Share your story
There are so many ways to do this, from showing your grandkids around your old neighborhood to writing a book. Take an online class and learn how to express yourself with the arts! Or, assemble a photo album of important moments in your life.
Get involved in your neighborhood
Join a homeowner or resident association or sign up for a book club or other social group. Have a green thumb? Small projects like planting flowers in your yard or cleaning up the community park have a big impact.
Communities that support and include all their members are stronger! Please join the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging in strengthening our community. Call the Point, Rhode Island’s healthy aging help desk, at 401-462-4444 to learn more about programs, services, or volunteer opportunities. Share how you’re making your mark at http://facebook.com/healthyagingRI.